Lakeland Board Of Realtors
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Ombudsman & Mediation

Ombudsman Assistance Introduction

Boards and associations of REALTORS® are responsible for receiving and resolving ethics complaints, usually as a function of local, regional and state grievance committees and professional standards committees.

Many “complaints” do not expressly allege violations of specific Articles of the Code of Ethics, and many do not detail conduct related to the Code. Some “complaints” are actually relatively easy transactional, technical, or procedural questions.

It is the belief of the National Association’s Professional Standards Committee that many ethics complaints can be averted with enhanced communications and initial problem-solving at the local level. This is accomplished by what we call ombudsman procedures.

Role of an Ombudsmen
The ombudsman’s role is primarily one of communication and conciliation, not adjudication. Ombudsmen do not determine whether ethics violations have occurred, rather they anticipate, identify, and resolve misunderstandings and disagreements before matters ripen into disputes and possible charges of unethical conduct.

Right to decline Ombudsman services
Persons filing complaints, or inquiring about the process for filing ethics complaints, will be advised that ombudsman services are available to attempt to informally resolve their complaint. Such persons will also be advised that they may decline ombudsman services and can have their complaint considered at a formal ethics hearing.

Failure to comply with agreed-upon resolution
Failure or refusal of a member to comply with the terms of a mutually agreed-upon resolution shall entitle the complaining party to resubmit the original complaint or, where a formal complaint in the appropriate form had not been filed, to file an ethics complaint. The time at which the matter was originally brought to the board or association will be considered the filing date.

Referrals to the Grievance Committee or to State Regulatory bodies
Ombudsmen cannot refer concerns regarding the conduct of any party utilizing their services to the Grievance Committee, state real estate licensing authority, or any other regulatory body. The prohibition is intended to ensure impartiality and avoid the possible appearance of bias. Ombudsmen are, however, authorized to refer concerns that the public trust may have been violated to the Grievance Committee.

Note: If a managing broker files for only mediation and the conference is not successful, Lakeland REALTORS®  will not automatically schedule an arbitration hearing.  It is up to the parties to invoke arbitration, which involves the formal filing of arbitration paperwork as well as paying a $500 filing fee.


Informal meeting (ideally it is between the broker/manager) of the two firms and one mediation officer.

Discussion between the parties.

All parties agree to the decision.
Relationship has opportunity to stay in tact.

If an agreement can NOT be reached between the parties,
the issue will be sent to a hearing, however, no discussion
at the mediation will be admissible at the formal hearing.

Leave knowing the results.
1 – 2 months for resolve.
No charge if resolved.


Formal hearing with witnesses, attorneys, three to five panel members, formal statements.

Formal swearing in, testimony.

One party will be entitled to the commission.
Only the prevailing party will be happy.

The panel decides who gets the money.
No appeal – you get only one chance.

Must wait for the results to be mailed as certified mail.
4 – 6 months for resolve.
$500 filing fee per party.

Contact CEO Barbara Barnes or (863) 687-6111